Tuesday 21 November 2017


Hello everyone,
 This is my first assignment in Rigging techniques. In this subject we need to take a model and we should rig that model, which helps the animators to animate it. 

In this Assignment we were asked to do a rig of bouncing ball, the basic polygon sphere is taken so it can be animated with stretch & squash. Various methods are there to create the rig. I used the very basic procedure of using a "Squash Deformer". 

So here we need to create three curves as rigging controls. 
Those curves are called as:
1. Stretch & Squash control 
2. Transformation control
3. Center of gravity (COG) Control 

By creating a new attribute for Stretch & Squash curve we can connect the squash deformer by using Node editor. Which help's the respected curve to control the Stretch & Squash. 
Parent & Scale constrain the Transformation & COG curve with the respective group. Lock & hide the unwanted attributes. 

Rig Test




Global scale & Rotation 

Thank you. 

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